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Safety Practices

Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital is comprised of experienced, compassionate health care professionals and our facility is equipped to handle your health care needs. We understand you may be hesitant to seek in-person care during the pandemic. We have enhanced our processes to protect the safety of our patients and team members and our commitment to high-quality and compassionate care remains. Please know we are taking the following actions:

Cleaning Protocols

  • Waiting rooms, lobbies, patient and clinic rooms, restrooms and other areas with frequently touched surfaces are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected throughout the day.
  • For operating and procedure rooms, pre-procedural environmental cleaning checks are conducted, as well as special procedures for terminally cleaning these areas at the end of the day.
Cleaning with spray bottle

We are committed to providing the safest care possible.

Thank you for trusting Tulsa Spine & Specialty Hospital with your health care needs.